
Showing posts from March, 2018

A Rambling Rant on the Principle of Love

Hello. If you're new, I welcome you to this ever-changing blog. I've been tasked by the administration (Mrs. Joyner) to write about love stemming from this quote: “We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place. And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love. Always choose love.”   (from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70) I am neutral about this claim but I shall lean against it today and write about how worthless love is. Here goes. So, we all love our families. That's human nature. Nothing wrong with that but when you reach the age of around 13-14-15 years, you'll want a bit more than that. I have experienced this first hand. Today is 1 March. So, about three-ish weeks ago, many many things happened. I finished my basketball game against Lincoln Hall and we lost in overtime. I wa

Diary Post

19 February 2018 Dear Diary,          Today, I skied on sheet ice. That normal East coast quality. Not there. You see, the East doesn't have consistent temperatures ever. In the summer, one day it can be 100 and the next maybe 60. In the West or more specifically the Rockies it's always 65-80 in the summer with a few days where it's higher or lower. In the Western winter, it's 15-30 degrees and in the East, it can be -10 one day and 45 the next The difference? The East gets rain in the winter. When it rains there's water on the mountain. (Duh.) Then, the next day it's below freezing. What happens? It all freezes and gives the mountain a layer of ice and the skiers a hard time. I felt like my legs were being swept away by the ice. It was insane. Yet, I still managed to hit 46 mph on this stuff. Sadly, I can't hit 50 in the East but I can hit 75 in the West on softer SNOW not ice with a dusting of WET snow over it. I wish our whole continent was nestled