906 miles. 13 and a half hours. Sitting on a light grey leather seat in our blue Acura. I long to read French forever in Quebec and I wish it never ended at Ontario. Ontario lasted for what seemed like years. Highway 401 was beyond boring. Reading signs saying not to speed or get demerited points and the English and French signs dwindled to few and far between. Toronto rolled around with just a small sight of the skyline. Traffic hit. 10 mph for 15 minutes. 2.5 miles only in those 15 minutes. Flat land only around here. No homes, business, even gas stations. Few billboard here and there. Depressed I was left seeing that we'd only made it to exit 475. 475 km to the border. Excruciating. Still I sat, reading Daniel's Story for class tomorrow. "Bridge to U.S.A." finally. Under, "50 km." How depressing. Detroit rolls around and Michigan. Ahh, Michigan. Fat yet skinny. It looks so short East-West but it isn't. It's enormous. 2.5 hours across Michigan plus...