
I've got lots of life goals. Some are that I want to be at least a semi professional skier and that I want to be fluent in 10 languages by the time I'm an adult. Starting with skiing, I've skied for 7 years and I'm good at it but I live in Chicago. Besides the Southeast and Texas, it's the worst place for a skier to live. It isn't close to any Rocky, Cascade, or Sierra Nevada mountains in Colorado, Utah, Montana, California, Nevada, Washington, Wyoming, and Western Canada or any Appalachians in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire and Quebec. I'm persevering because when I visit the mountains twice a year I get the most out of my skiing and I practice as much as I can by skiing 8 hours a day. To learn 10 languages takes years. I don't have too many of those. I'm trying to make the best of the time I have by using a free app to learn 5 languages at once now. I'm learning Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, and Romanian (which I know some of but I'm brushing up on my skills for when I visit family in Romania), I will learn Norwegian, German, Russian, Arabic, and Hebrew. I have to make do with the fact that I can't take 10 languages in high school and I'm learning on my own time instead. I persevere by using Duolingo, an app, for hours and hours a day.
