
Showing posts from April, 2018

Endings and Beginnings

On the partial contrary to the title, this is a beginning. This is about how I feel before any sports game I play at school or for a team outside of school. So, during soccer season and really throughout the whole year with this first part, I always packed up during 8th and 9th passing period because I didn't want to go back to my locker (in the basement) from science, my only class in the 6th grade hallway. I also did this so I could get to the gym early and be ready for the game quickly. During soccer season, I finished getting dressed before anyone else and I went outside to the field alone. Not to warm up but to begin my pregame ritual. I would walk out to the field and kneel on both knees at center field. I faced northward (toward the Avon building). I prayed. I faced northward because that is the direction to heaven, where my ancestors are and where God is. I would also face east (toward the houses) because Romania, my homeland is 6,000 miles east of here. This is where my an

Food, Glorious Food

Ahh, food. I like food, and I like eating. Quite obvious is the fact that I am growing. I consume around 3500-4000 calories a day which surprises me. I'm surprised that I weigh only 124 pounds. I eat constantly, I eat when I'm bored, when I do homework, watch TV. If I'm not eating, I'm always hungry. I have a rather strange taste in food. According to my mother, I live on a caveman diet. I absolutely despise vegetable and pasta and cheese and eggs. I only eat meat (not lamb), carbs, sweets and my only fruits are mango and watermelon. My favorite food from around the world are Mediterranean, Asian (mainly Chinese), and Mexican. My favorite Mediterranean foods are gyros, and shawarma which is a type of chicken with some seasoning on it, and obviously, rice. Whenever I'm at Pita Inn, Naf Naf Grill, or Charcoal Flame, I can't get enough of the gyros and shawarma. The gyros are a perfect concentration of beef with pita bread and the shawarma washes it down as the wh

PARCC Testing

Here I am. Ahh, Sunday. Easter Sunday. No, it's not Greek Easter, it's Orthodox Easter because not only Greeks celebrate it. Thank you for allowing me to vent on that one (I'm Romanian, Russian and Serbian. (NOT GREEK)) On to the subject of testing, while I'm listening to "Must Be The Ganja" by Eminem. I hate testing. One bright side, no homework? Oh wait, we had homework. No upside. okay, so testing is pointless. It's just to show how good your school is which doesn't really matter to some students, in fact most, me being one of them. I think that it's a waste of a week of school where we could have classes and learn about something not just sit in a testing room for 5 hours a day. I'd prefer to have time to be in a class where I can have help and/or insight on some of my projects. I have been stressing about them the whole week. I don't like being stressed. Also, I hate the online version, my eyes hurt, ahhhhh. Testing also adds to a stud